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Bianco Diamante

Cane Centro Di Soccorso

No.1 Centro Di Soccorso Cane Di Sicilia

Interested in Fundraising for the Centre ?

Here are some practical easy ways you can Fund Raise for the Dogs.

adopt a dog

Have a Auction !

Collect up your old things or gather things from family & friends.

sponsor a dog


Do a sponsored walk, run, swim, cycle etc.

sponsor a dog

Car Wash

Do a sponsored car wash around your neighbourhood.

rescue a dog

Quit Something

Quit sweets, chocolate smoking, shopping etc. Get sponsored to give something up.

adopt a dog

Shave or Dye Something

Get sponsored to shave your hair, your eyebrows, or dye your hair a crazy colour

sponsor a dog

Give up Social Media

Sponsored stop texting, email, checking facebook for xxx amount of time or give up your mobile !

rescue a dog

Sponsor Eat or Drink

Get sponsored to eat loads or eat faster or drink gallons of something.

adopt a dog

Sponsor Tasks Day

Get sponsored to clean a house, do the gardening or odd jobs.

See 'Volunteering' for what to raise.

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