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Bianco Diamante
Cane Centro Di Soccorso
No.1 Centro Di Soccorso Cane Di Sicilia
Interested in Fundraising for the Centre ?
Here are some practical easy ways you can Fund Raise for the Dogs.
Have a Auction !
Collect up your old things or gather things from family & friends.
Do a sponsored walk, run, swim, cycle etc.
Car Wash
Do a sponsored car wash around your neighbourhood.
Quit Something
Quit sweets, chocolate smoking, shopping etc. Get sponsored to give something up.
Shave or Dye Something
Get sponsored to shave your hair, your eyebrows, or dye your hair a crazy colour
Give up Social Media
Sponsored stop texting, email, checking facebook for xxx amount of time or give up your mobile !
Sponsor Eat or Drink
Get sponsored to eat loads or eat faster or drink gallons of something.
Sponsor Tasks Day
Get sponsored to clean a house, do the gardening or odd jobs.
See 'Volunteering' for what to raise.
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